Star Trek: Reliant – Grimnir’s Birthday

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Reliant - Grimnir's Birthday

It appears that even in the 25th Century Skyrim is continually being ported to new platforms as the Reliant’s holodeck hosts a new Skyrim adventure. However things soon turn weird and then take a sharp right towards down right crazy. … Continued

Star Trek: Reliant – It Came from the al-Khwarizmi

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Reliant - It Came from the al-Khwarizmi

Lt. Bryce takes Whately and Cetsa to the Holodeck to re-enact the Riders of Rohan riding to the rescue from Lord of the Rings. Shenanigans ensue. In the meantime Ryk’Tyr heads to find a contact about the USS al-Khwarizmi, an … Continued

Star Trek: Reliant – Dogs are Good People

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Reliant - Dogs are Good People

Nala is the best doggo and dogs are just generally good people. The crew of the Reliant arrive at their new base of operations, Epsilon X (10) a long range sensor platform peering into the void of of the Epsilon … Continued

Star Trek: Reliant – Disarming Diplomacy

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Reliant - Disarming Diplomacy

With the 2nd Exploration Fleet engaging in battle the crew of the Reliant must take measures to ensure that the Lepadans remain safe and that they are not turned into another subjugated race by the Klingons. Options in dealing with … Continued

Star Trek: Reliant – The Battle of Lapadas

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Reliant - The Battle of Lapadas

The Reliant faces dangers and threats as the 2nd Exploration Fleet comes face to face with three known threats from the Orion Syndicate plotting  and smoothing the ways for Klingon subjugation of the populace of Lapadas. A klingon war fleet … Continued

Star Trek: Reliant – Trouble Comes in Threes

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Reliant - Trouble Comes in Threes

The past comes back to haunt the crew of the Reliant. The ship undergoes sweeps for contraband and embarks on an adventure were enemies from the past join forces to cause a headache as they dip their toes into a … Continued

Star Trek: Reliant – Bottle Dinner

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Reliant - Bottle Dinner

The rest of the Senior staff and some ancillary staff are invited to a dinner hosted by Ryk’tyr in which Saure Culture, food and general discussions are had. Announcements are had as the crew start to disperse for the evening.

Star Trek: Relant – Deck 7 is Missing

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Relant - Deck 7 is Missing

The Reliant has missing crew, and perhaps a missing deck? Also a lot of Borg and borg tech to deal with. Are there any connections. Join us in this episode as we all find out together.

Star Trek: Reliant – Ugly Human Child

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Reliant - Ugly Human Child

With the intel received by the emergency signal by the Bazalope the Reliant must take the battle to the Borg. In the middle of a war the Reliant must ally with a klingon, and make use of a very ugly … Continued

Star Trek: Reliant – Any One Will Do

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Reliant - Any One Will Do

After boarding the USS Texas and finding a Borgified Captain Cole known to the crew of the USS Reliant as “Space Mum”. How are the away team going to react and deal with her and the borg associates. Mean while … Continued