Star Trek: Reliant – The Pizza Oven Stares Back

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Reliant - The Pizza Oven Stares Back

An Ancient Pirate tradition, a blast from the past (quite literally), a whole in the Holodeck and some Karaoke. Just another Tuesday on the Reliant.

Star Trek: Reliant – Action Warrior Force is a Go!

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Reliant - Action Warrior Force is a Go!

\An Ion storm, A Klingon and Tardigrade somehow leads to a rather unusual Holodeck Malfunction featuring some rather interesting adventure. Featuring…. Gowdon and Gold Dukat.

Star Trek: Reliant: Reliant Shattered

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Reliant: Reliant Shattered

The Crew of the USS Reliant hunt down their mirror versions but what madness is happening aboard the ISS Reliant?

Star Trek: Reliant – A Disarming Reflection

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Reliant - A Disarming Reflection

Exploring Starbase Magellan  the crew of the USS Reliant start to investigate what the ISS Reliant has planned. Things are not as they appear.

Star Trek: Reliant – The Funk From Space

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Reliant - The Funk From Space

Shenanigans ensue aboard the USS Reliant

Star Trek: Reliant – Raiding Paradise

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Reliant - Raiding Paradise

Chrog leads an away Team from the USS Reliant to raid Paradise Station, A Pirate station ran by a sketchy Ferengi, Grent. This raid leads to a bit of some ultra-violence.

Star Trek: Reliant – Chorog’s Episode

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Reliant - Chorog's Episode

This week Chorog takes charge as recent event and a personal vendetta spiral into Chorog preparing to take on Madren. What does the crew of the Reliant have up it’s sleeves and just how are they going to put together … Continued

Star Trek: Reliant – Contraband Conga

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Star Trek: Reliant Podcast
Star Trek: Reliant (RPG Live Play)
Star Trek: Reliant - Contraband Conga

Someone has stashed some stuff in the Cargo Bay which leads to a treasure hunt for some Contraband…. but what is the contraband for?